主页 文章列表 如果在AS3中只剩下1行,如何使动态文本移动到垂直中心


白鹭 - 2022-03-25 2196 0 0

如果只剩下 1 行,有没有办法将动态文本多行移动到中心,因为无法在属性面板中调整垂直中心。

图片 3 行文本和 1 行文本



// Let's assume this is your TextField you need to v-align.
var TF:TextField;

// Lets also assume that TextField is still in its original place.
// Record its upper Y-coordinate and height.
var atop:Number = TF.y;
var aheight:Number = TF.height;

// These lines instruct the TextField to adjust its lower
// border so that it exactly fits the text inside.
TF.wordWrap = true;
TF.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

// Now, math time.
// The difference between original height and new (autosized) height.
var adiff:Number = aheight - TF.height;

// To vertically position the resized TextField into the center of its original
// place, you need to shift it down by half of the height difference.
// It actually works if new height is larger than original too:
// the "adiff" value will be negative and it still works out.
TF.y = atop   adiff / 2;

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